Greater Works Logo.png

“Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.” John 14:12

For over 115 years, Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church has been a vibrant worshipping community within the West End of Greenville – committed to living into Jesus’s calling to his disciples that they would do “greater work than these” in his name.  With this capital campaign – Greater Works: The Campaign for Saint Andrew’s – we are inviting you to join us as we work to secure our ability to live into that calling in this particular place for generations to come.

Below you can click on some of the images below to view materials that have been provided to the parish regarding this campaign.


greater works campaign pledge form

april 30th Capital campaign informational meeting Slides

Click on the image above to view the slides presented at the April 30th parish informational meeting as we were preparing to kick-off the Capital Campaign.

greater works campaign prayer card